“If you are in a leadership role...
...SLG's fellows program offers a new vision, a new paradigm. SLG is to leadership excellence, as Bach is to The Brandenburg Concertos.

Ellis R.
SLG Senior Fellow
“SLG's examination of virtues and their contribution to character development is unique...
...and their LITER (love, integrity, truth, excellence, and relationship) model defines a foundation upon which to build a new kind of leader. Leadership programs are a dime a dozen, but SLG's leadership training and how it integrates leader and team is newly defined here."

Kristin G
SLG Certified Mentor, Nonprofit Director
“...[SLG] will inspire trust throughout your team..."
"If you practice consistently over time what you learn in the SLG's fellows program, it will inspire trust throughout your team and allow you to achieve things much greater than you ever could have imagined!"

Kristin G
SLG Certified Mentor, Nonprofit Director
“Servant leadership through virtuous living"
"If servant leadership through virtuous living is an operating system for leadership, SLG's fellows program is the technical manual."

Kristin G
SLG Certified Mentor, Nonprofit Director